Pack 3670
What is Cub Scouting and Pack 3670?
Cub Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for young boys and girls (K-5) to learn life skills, enjoy outdoor activities, and provide service to the community. Pack 3670 is a collection of dens (see below) that meet regularly on Mondays from 6-7:15pm at Bozeman United Methodist Church. We welcome youth at all the levels as described below.
How do I Join?
If you're ready to join Cub Scouting or looking to transfer to Pack 3670 from another Pack, go ahead and get signed up using the link below!
If you're looking for more information or want to come check out a meeting, explore our website then email our Cubmaster at A preview of our calendar can be seen here. Take a peek and let us know of an event that would work for you to drop in and meet our pack to see how your family can fit in.
Tell Me More!
During the school year, dens meet 2x a month to work on a set of advancements to move to their next rank through group activities, crafts, skill building, community service, field trips and experiences outdoors.
In addition to den participation, we host many Pack-wide events for all ages including pinewood derby, a spring campout, family potlucks, service projects, bike trips etc. Participation in these events can be as much or as little as your family schedule allows. Our pack is chartered through the Bozeman United Methodist Church downtown. Church membership at BUMC or any church is not required for scouting. BUMC generously supports our pack with leadership, financial support, meeting space and enthusiasm for this important character building organization. For more information about Scouts BSA and Faith in general, please find information here or reach out to our cubmaster with questions or concerns. Our pack is part of Mountain Valley District, which also sponsors a number of region-wide events throughout the year for scouts to meet with other scouts in the area.
The Cub Scout motto is: Do Your Best. We find this is a great motto for our Cub Scouts as well as our parent volunteers!
Pack 3670 runs on many hands making for light work and parent participation is required from our families. Please check out our list of Volunteer jobs as you evaluate if our Pack is the right fit for you. We ask each family to take on one of these positions. Whether you take on planning an event, leading a den or lending a hand at meetings, scouting is best when done together as a family!